Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winklevoss Twins suing Facebook again

The Winklevoss twins are attempting to sue Mark Zuckerberg for apparently stealing the idea for Facebook from them yet again, despite already being offered a $65 million (�41.85 million) settlement

The 'Winkelvii' (as Jesse Eisenberg's character refers to them in The Social Network) claim to have originally come up with the idea for Facebook, which they claim Mark Zuckerberg stole from them while at Harvard University.

Unhappy Winklevii

Seemingly unsatisfied with being offered $65 million as a pay-off already, it seems that the twins feel that there is a principle at stake here.

Hence Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss are suing Facebook in Federal Court again,

The pair told the New York Times how they plan to pursue Zuckerberg in US courts until they feel justice is done.

The Winklevii recount in interminable detail how they first met Zuckerberg in the infamous Kirkland House dining room, the layout of Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm and how they feel he stole the basic idea for Facebook from a website concept they had called Harvard Connection.

Beyond all that rather dull detail, the twins also claim that Facebook has violated the US Securities Act of 1934 when it drew up the original settlement deal for $65 million.

All good fodder for The Social Network 2, perhaps?


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