Saturday, January 29, 2011

Motorola ATRIX 4G and XOOM tablet to launch next month

Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha confirmed on the cell phone maker’s fourth-quarter earnings call that two of Motorola’s highly anticipated upcoming devices will launch next month. AT&T’s upcoming�convertible�superphone, the Motorola ATRIX 4G, and Verizon Wireless’ monster tablet, the Motorola XOOM, both look set for a launch at the end of February. The ATRIX 4G features a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, a 4.3-inch 540 x 960-pixel display and an option laptop dock that converts the device into a full-size smartbook. The XOOM is a Honeycomb tablet that sports a 10-1 inch display, full HD support and the same dual-core Tegra 2 processor as the ATRIX.�Jha seemed more secure in the ATRIX 4G’s launch timeframe during the question and answer session at the


Ivana Bozilovic Cristina Dumitru Cat Power January Jones Christina DaRe

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