Monday, January 24, 2011

Announcing the Reactive Extensions Developer Center

Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library to compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators. You've learned a great deal about Rx right here on Channel 9 over the years, watching it evolve from theory to incubation to dev lab project to being burned into the WP7 ROM, shipping with all Windows Phone 7s. We're thrilled to announce that today Rx has graduated from incubation or so-called "dev lab" status. Rx is now an officially sanctioned Microsoft developer technology and has moved into a new happy home in the MSDN Data Developer CenterFrom all of us at Channel 9: Congratulations Erik, Wes, Bart and Jeffrey! Amazing work.

Long live "Volta" Rx!! Smiley



Leighton Meester Dominique Swain Jamie Chung Alicia Witt Radha Mitchell

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