Thursday, May 26, 2011

Updates on the Netgear NTV 550

As followers of the media streamer reviews on AnandTech already know, I have been in possession of a review unit of the Netgear NTV 550 since CES. It was a CES Innovation award winner, and the specifications and price point convinced me that this was one of the media players with immense potential.

More than 6 months after the unit appeared in the market, the firmware is still not stable enough to warrant a review. In addition to this, news came out recently that Netgear had decided to drop pursuit of Netflix certification for the NTV550. I reached out to get some official statements regarding the current status of the NTV550 in Netgear's product development roadmap.

Read on to find out what is cooking up with the NTV 550 over at Netgear.



Daniella Alonso Gina Gershon Ehrinn Cummings Sienna Miller Cindy Taylor

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