Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nintendo boss: 3DS sales below expectations

Sales of the Nintendo 3DS have been below expectations. Those are the words of Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata, speaking on the gaming giant’s official website. The handheld console’s launch has seen relatively sluggish sales, as Ninty battles to convince gamers that the 3DS is worthwhile investment.


Iwata said, “Sales were high in the initial [launch] week, but sales fell below our expectations after the second week. Nintendo 3DS has not been selling as expected since the second week, and this is not just in the Japanese market but also in the United States and Europe, where no direct impact from the great earthquake has occurred."


Iwata said Ninty needed to, “…step up its efforts,” and try to explain to the average punter the advantage of glasses-free 3D gaming. He added, "We need to enhance the contents which can be enjoyed passively by non-active users, like a 3D video distribution service. We will promptly work on this after the currently planned hardware update."


This admission shows that despite 113,000 consoles being sold in the UK alone, Nintendo is still struggling to prove that coughing up for the 3DS is worth it. Can it convince the non-believers? Or is the 3DS destined to struggle? Tell us what you think on our Facebook and Twitter pages.



Posted by Joe Minihane


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