Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sony Vaio L series: Two types of gesture controls for HD family PC

Sony has announced the Sony Vaio L Series today, a 24-inch family PC that’s packed with not one set, but two batches of touch-sensitive smarts. The Sony Vaio L series Desktop runs Windows 7, and has a touchscreen plus a touch sensitive bezel. Read on for more info.

Firstly, there’s Sony “Edge access” on the Vaio [...]

Related posts:
  1. Sony VAIO J Series: all-in-one multitouch PC debuts
  2. Sony Vaio C series: Nu-rave is not dead
  3. Sony Vaio E series: new Blu-ray models unveiled

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/electricpig/~3/uMPhha4WtuA/

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