Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Silverlight Firestarter 2010 Keynote with Scott Guthrie

Scott Guthrie, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft's .NET Developer Platform, unveils Silverlight 5, further advancing capabilities in the areas of premium media experiences and business applications at the Silverlight Firestarter 2010 event in Redmond, WA on Dec 2nd 2010

Recorded live as part of Silverlight Firestarter 2010 in Redmond, WA on Dec 2nd 2010

Silverlight Firestarter Agenda
- Silverlight Firestarter 2010 Keynote with Scott Guthrie
- Session 1 - Data Binding Strategies with Silverlight and WP7 by Jesse Liberty
- Session 2 - Building Compelling Apps with WCF using REST and LINQ by Yavor Georgiev
- Session 3 - Building Feature Rich Business Apps Today with RIA Services by Dan Wahlin
- Session 4 - MVVM: Why and How? Tips and Patterns using MVVM and Service Patterns with Silverlight and WP7 by John Papa
- Session 5 - Tips and Tricks for a Great Installation Experience by Tim Heuer
- Session 6 - Tune Your Application: Profiling and Performance Tips by Mike Cook & Jossef Goldberg
- Session 7 - Performance Tips for Silverlight Windows Phone 7 by Jaime Rodriguez
- Session 8 - The Roadmap for Media with Silverlight


Amy Cobb Deanna Russo Cheryl Burke Olivia Wilde Paulina Rubio

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